UnchainedTV Podcast!

UnchainedTV Podcast!

UnchainedTV offers you a new way of living. Our host, New York Times bestselling author as well as TV and social media journalist who heads UnchainedTV.com, Jane Velez-Mitchell, helps you turn on the lightbulb and jump to the next phase of human evolution. There is a peaceful, joyous way of living out there. The secret is simple: don’t look for peace, practice it in your daily choices. You might say, peace begins right on your plate. Tune in to UnchainedTV, live every Monday at 10 AM Pacific on UnchainedTV.

UnchainedTV Podcast!
  • Help Stop the Bulldozing of LA's Wildlife at Ballona Wetlands!

    Campaign to Stop LA Wetland’s Bulldozing Scam Gains Steam

    More Angelinos are joining the battle to stop a destructive and highly unpopular plan to bulldoze LA’s Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve. LA’s last coastal wetlands near Marina del Rey is home to upwards of 2,000 species, including thre...

  • The Ultimate Secret to Losing Weight!

    At least 2/3rds of Americans are overweight or obese. This is a crisis causing unnecessary disease and death. It's also causing our health care costs to skyrocket, costs paid for by you, the taxpayer. In short, obesity has ramifications across our society. And, with the relentless rise of calorie...

  • How Gen Zers Are Fighting to Save the Planet!

    Who is going to save the planet and how? It’s the Greta Thunberg generation that has the most to lose as the climate crisis worsens. So, these Gen Zers, along with some Gen Alphas (born from 2010 on) are organizing to create solutions. Mission One? End factory farming of animals, which is destroy...

  • YOU Can Help Save Tule Elk from Dying of Thirst!

    Act now! 

The National Park Service (NPS) wants YOUR, the public's, input by Sept. 25th, on their wonderful "proposed action" to remove the 3-mile-long fence at Point Reyes National Seashore that keeps the Tule Elk from water access, causing the slow, gruesome deaths of hundreds of elk.
    The NPS ...

  • Support Bill to End U.S. $ for Foreign Lab Torture!

    Stop US Gov Support of Cruel Overseas Labs
    Find out how PETA blew the lid off US-funded animal experiments in Colombia! That led to the shutdown of two animal laboratories! Now, U.S. representatives Dina Titus (D-NV-01) and Troy Nehls (R-TX-22) have introduced the Cease Animal Research Grants Ove...

  • UnchainedTV Stars Speak Out!

    UnchainedTV takes you behind the scenes of 3 of its most popular shows. One is a raw cooking show. One is a nostalgic, yet plant-based, reimagining of America's favorite comfort foods. One is a wild show that veers from the kitchen to the streets of New York. Learn what drives these accomplished ...

  • Eat Differently!

    Eat Differently is a powerful, new PSA campaign featuring Paul McCartney, Jane Goodall, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Albert Einstein, Cesar Chavez and other revolutionary thinkers. It's aim is to inspire people to eat plants, not animals. An homage to the 1990's famous Think Different...

  • Meet Two Extraordinary Vegan Authors!

    "DEAR TUI, a Warning" is a fascinating, fictional look at the demise of our planet, as we know it, through the eyes of a 9-year-old girl, written by prolific author M C Ronen. Also check out, "Thing: Inside the Struggle for Animal Personhood." Comic artists Sam Machado and Cynthia Sousa Machado t...

  • How to Make America's Comfort Foods Healthy!

    In AMERICA GOES VEGAN!, author Glen Merzer explains why a plant-based diet is the best hope for America and the world, and Tracy Childs provides recipes that adapt America's favorite comfort foods to make that transition as delicious as it will be glorious for our health and the environment. If A...

  • His Life Turned Upside Down When...

    Meet the man behind the movie that could end fur farming in Canada. Taimoor Choudhry’s transformation from a high flying consumer of luxury goods to a passionate animal activist started when he asked a simple question: Who am I wearing? It turned out that his fur trim was from a dog. Being a dog ...

  • The Veganism/Judaism Connection Revealed!

    UnchainedTV speaks with one of the world’s leading experts on the connection between Judaism and veganism. Professor Richard Schwartz, Ph.D. is the author of numerous books, including:  Vegan Revolution: Saving Our World, Revitalizing Judaism; Judaism and Vegetarianism; Judaism and Global Surviva...

  • Vegan Dog Food Study Results Revealed!

    This VoiceAmerica/UnchainedTV podcast is devoted to dogs! America’s dogs would be one of the largest meat-eating countries in the world, were they their own nation. So… since the human companions of dogs are presumably animal lovers, how can they reduce the number of animals killed while still gi...

  • Still Eating Chicken? Watch This.

    Still eating chicken? Watch this. An Animal Outlook undercover investigator joins us LIVE (without revealing his or her identity) to tell us about the horrific conditions this individual documented on video while working at a Virginia chicken farm. Among the allegations: water deprivation to the ...

  • Stop Sumatra's Dog Meat Trade!

    Join Lady Freethinker’s campaign to save Sumatran dogs from the horrific dog meat trade. Lady Freethinker herself gives UnchainedTV's Jane Velez-Mitchell the lowdown on how YOU can help stop this nightmare by signing the petition to Indonesia’s government below. Her investigation has documented a...

  • LIVE: The Vegan Earth Day March - Global Event

    The Vegan Earth Day March is happening in more than 50 cities around the world. UnchainedTV is bringing you live coverage from New York, Los Angeles and beyond! The message? The most powerful action individuals can take to reduce their greenhouse emissions footprint is to eat a plant-based diet! ...

  • Victory - Lolita’s Cruel Captivity to End with Freedom

    Victory! The decades-long battle to free Lolita, the killer whale, has resulted in the decision to release her from the Miami Seaquarium. Lolita was violently captured more than half a century ago, ripped from her pod in 1970. Now 56 years old, she will be returned to her home in the Pacific Nort...

  • Meet The Teens Who Will Save Our Planet!

    Watch out DC! The Youth Steering Committee is on the case! YSC is made up of students who are passionate about promoting climate-friendly, plant-based food to save our planet, animals, and people. These students create campaigns to change federal policies and encourage K-12 schools to adopt plant...

  • Mercy for Animals Has Big News

    Get the latest breaking news on Mercy for Animals and its Transfarmation Project, helping farmers transition out of chicken factory farming and into growing hemp and other plant-based products, often using the same sheds. MFA’s CEO and President, Leah Garcés, will also bring us the latest on the ...

  • Meet Farm Sanctuary's Gene Baur!

    Farm Sanctuary's Gene Baur is inviting YOU to a fabulous, fun, Valentine's Day celebration on Saturday, February 11th at 1pm pacific at Farm Sanctuary's gorgeous Acton, California location, just 45 minutes from LA! The first caller will get 2 free tickets to the event! CALL IN: 866 472-5795. Mee...

  • Meet Ocean Robbins of 31-Day Food Revolution!

    31-Day Food Revolution is a guide to liberation from a toxic food world. Author Ocean Robbins reveals the secrets the industrialized food industry doesn’t want people to know, how specific ingredients and methods could be making people sick, and what they can do about it. And he shows how to use ...

  • Meet Woodstock Sanctuary’s Rachel McCrystal

    Get involved with Woodstock Farm Sanctuary’s campaign to convince Tractor Supply to stop selling baby birds. There’s a petition you can sign at https://woodstocksanctuary.org. The sanctuary is also urging the NY State Fair Birthing Center Petition to end the live birthing demos of dairy cows. Th...

  • Meet Land of Ahimsa Cast

    The film follows Dolly Vyas-Ahuja on her journey to save her ancestral land. She is the granddaughter of a freedom fighter who worked with Mahatma Gandhi in his struggle for independence and social justice. She follows in his footsteps, advocating for a renewal of Ahimsa to solve India’s escalati...

  • Animal Rights Enters the Courtroom!

    The Animal Activist Legal Defense Project, led by renowned attorney Carter Dillard, is now representing animal activists all over the United States. Recently, there was a fascinating legal summit unpacking the historic acquittal of two Direct Action Everywhere animal activists who faced over a de...

  • Wild Horses Offered For Public Adoptions.

    The Canon City Co. wild horse holding facility will be open to the public for adoptions after being closed for 2 1/2 years. Photographer and Wild Horse advocate Carol Walker talks about how the public can participate in the adoptions; and how we can take measures to help end the horrific and deva...