UnchainedTV Podcast!

UnchainedTV Podcast!

UnchainedTV offers you a new way of living. Our host, New York Times bestselling author as well as TV and social media journalist who heads UnchainedTV.com, Jane Velez-Mitchell, helps you turn on the lightbulb and jump to the next phase of human evolution. There is a peaceful, joyous way of living out there. The secret is simple: don’t look for peace, practice it in your daily choices. You might say, peace begins right on your plate. Tune in to UnchainedTV, live every Monday at 10 AM Pacific on UnchainedTV.

UnchainedTV Podcast!
  • Vegans Win Oxford Debate

    Victory for Vegans! Dr. Sailesh Rao, founder of Climate Healers, reveals how he and his team of fellow vegans won the recent Oxford Union debate against meat eaters. After a fierce back and forth, Oxford Union members sided with the motion “This House Would Go Vegan.”

    This is a huge victory as...

  • How To End Injustice Everywhere!

    Melanie Joy reveals the common denominator driving all injustice as she discusses her captivating and thought-provoking new book, How To End Injustice Everywhere.

    Joy also tackles the issue of infighting within the animal rights movement and how to evolve beyond it! Please join UnchainedTV’s J...

  • South Korea Bans Dog Meat!

    BREAKING LIVE: Historic win for animals as South Korea bans the dog meat trade, a decision expected to save the lives of millions of dogs! UnchainedTV talks to 2 people who were THERE as the game-changing vote took place and activists celebrated with tears of joy! Last Chance for Animals Founder...

  • Woman on a Mission: Save Elephants!

    Meet Sangita Iyer: award-winning filmmaker, author, biologist and National Geographic Explorer. This woman is on a mission: to save India’s endangered elephants by preserving corridors for them to roam, restoring their habitats, and educating people to stop human elephant conflict, fostering pea...

  • Hey Adidas: Kangaroos are NOT Shoes!

    Kangaroos Are NOT Shoes: That’s the message hundreds of activists sent to Adidas, in a global day of action at the height of the holiday shopping season. Marching into Adidas stores, across the United States, Canada, Europe & Australia, animal activists demanded Adidas stop its involvement in the...

  • The Persecution of Tracy Murphy!

    Asha Farm Sanctuary founder Tracy Murphy speaks to UnchainedTV about her ordeal and persecution. Murphy was a New York business executive who went vegan due to her love of animals. A decade ago, she moved to a rural area north of Buffalo to start her own sanctuary, called Asha’s Farm Sanctuary. T...

  • The Women Behind The Next Girl Movie

    The all female powerhouse team reveals the secrets behind the making of The Next Girl, a groundbreaking, award-winning film now streaming on UnchainedTV that goes where no movie has gone before. You can watch it here:
    Starring J...

  • Chef AJ: From Obese Junk Food Addict to Healthy Cooking Queen!

    A chef, culinary instructor, and professional speaker, she is the author of the popular book Unprocessed: How to Achieve Vibrant Health and Your Ideal Weight, which chronicles her journey from an obese junk-food vegan faced with a diagnosis of pre-cancerous polyps, to learning how to create foods...

  • Olympic Medalist Dotsie Bausch Tackles Dairy

    Dotsie Bausch won an olympic medal in cycling and went on to create Switch4Good to wake people up to the dangers of dairy. She is known for her gutsy, and often outrageous, campaigns designed to get people to pay attention to a subject too many ignore at their own peril. Now, Dotsie has enlisted ...

  • The Movie to End Fur in Fashion Forever!

    #UnchainedTV with reaction to the movie sparking a movement to end fur in fashion forever. Ending Real Fur is streaming now for FREE on UnchainedTV and getting rave reviews. Watch parties are being held around the U.S. to promote the award-winning film that features fashion legend Tim Gunn of Mak...

  • Winning Team of Food Network Series Talks to UnchainedTV

    #UnchainedTV Talks to the New Vegan WINNER of the Food Network’s Hit Show! Taylor Herbert is one half of Denver’s The Easy Vegan, which just WON "The Great Food Truck Race" on the Food Network. The Easy Vegan, a queer-owned, pop-up kitchen, won a $50,000 prize after finishing first on the Food Ne...

  • The Secret to the Success of Mrs. Goldfarb's Unreal Deli

    Jenny Goldfarb is a brilliant entrepreneur with a huge heart. Growing up with a rich family tradition of deli food, she went vegan for the animals. Then, she found herself craving a classic New York deli sandwich. So, she decided to make a pastrami sandwich, but make it 100% plant-based! It was s...

  • Why "Rowdy Girl" Is Now a Movie!

    Rowdy Girl - The story of a Texas cattle rancher who went vegan! This is an extraordinary new film about former country singer, Renee King-Sonnen, who turned her husband's Texas cattle ranch into a vegan sanctuary for rescued cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys and other innocent beings. UnchainedTV in...

  • The Campaign to End Discrimination against Vegans

    As the number of vegans grows, so too does the number of vegans who say they’re experiencing discrimination at school or at work. Some of these vegans are taking cases to court, relying on both international conventions and national laws. Now meet a panel of experts who are leading the fight for ...

  • Be a Part of a Fabulous Film about a Wild Wedding!

    A Swiss couple decides to use their wedding as a chance to make a statement about animal rights and all hell breaks loose. Get an inside peak at a hot new vegan movie in production. You can be a part of this really UNIQUE film by donating via this IndieGoGo: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/hum...

  • UnchainedTV Exclusive Interview: NY Fashion Week Disrupters!

    THIS WEDNESDAY - CALL IN LIVE from NOON-1pm Pacific/3-4pm Eastern - 866 472-5788 - UnchainedTV Exclusive Interview! It’s the animal rights disruption making headlines across the globe. Now, for the first time, the 3 women who took over the runway at New York Fashion Week 2023, to make a statement...

  • Why New Mercy for Animals' Investigation Made NYT

    Mercy for Animals has just released an undercover investigation into a Nebraska pig farm that documents extreme suffering by mother pigs kept in crates barely larger than their bodies, repeatedly impregnated against their will. If this upsets you, there is something you can do now: stop eating an...

  • Canadian Activists Sentenced for Exposing Pig "Farm" Cruelty

    Famed Canadian animal activist Jenny McQueen and some of her co-defendants join us to discuss their sentences, just handed down in the wake of their guilty verdicts for breaking and entering and obstructing a peace officer. In 2019, they entered a Canadian pig breeding facility and videotaping th...

  • Help Stop the Bulldozing of LA's Wildlife at Ballona Wetlands!

    Campaign to Stop LA Wetland’s Bulldozing Scam Gains Steam

    More Angelinos are joining the battle to stop a destructive and highly unpopular plan to bulldoze LA’s Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve. LA’s last coastal wetlands near Marina del Rey is home to upwards of 2,000 species, including thre...

  • The Ultimate Secret to Losing Weight!

    At least 2/3rds of Americans are overweight or obese. This is a crisis causing unnecessary disease and death. It's also causing our health care costs to skyrocket, costs paid for by you, the taxpayer. In short, obesity has ramifications across our society. And, with the relentless rise of calorie...

  • How Gen Zers Are Fighting to Save the Planet!

    Who is going to save the planet and how? It’s the Greta Thunberg generation that has the most to lose as the climate crisis worsens. So, these Gen Zers, along with some Gen Alphas (born from 2010 on) are organizing to create solutions. Mission One? End factory farming of animals, which is destroy...

  • YOU Can Help Save Tule Elk from Dying of Thirst!

    Act now! 

The National Park Service (NPS) wants YOUR, the public's, input by Sept. 25th, on their wonderful "proposed action" to remove the 3-mile-long fence at Point Reyes National Seashore that keeps the Tule Elk from water access, causing the slow, gruesome deaths of hundreds of elk.
    The NPS ...

  • Support Bill to End U.S. $ for Foreign Lab Torture!

    Stop US Gov Support of Cruel Overseas Labs
    Find out how PETA blew the lid off US-funded animal experiments in Colombia! That led to the shutdown of two animal laboratories! Now, U.S. representatives Dina Titus (D-NV-01) and Troy Nehls (R-TX-22) have introduced the Cease Animal Research Grants Ove...

  • UnchainedTV Stars Speak Out!

    UnchainedTV takes you behind the scenes of 3 of its most popular shows. One is a raw cooking show. One is a nostalgic, yet plant-based, reimagining of America's favorite comfort foods. One is a wild show that veers from the kitchen to the streets of New York. Learn what drives these accomplished ...