UnchainedTV Podcast!
UnchainedTV offers you a new way of living. Our host, New York Times bestselling author as well as TV and social media journalist who heads UnchainedTV.com, Jane Velez-Mitchell, helps you turn on the lightbulb and jump to the next phase of human evolution. There is a peaceful, joyous way of living out there. The secret is simple: don’t look for peace, practice it in your daily choices. You might say, peace begins right on your plate. Tune in to UnchainedTV, live every Monday at 10 AM Pacific on UnchainedTV.
Another "Fairlife" Milk Animal Cruelty Scandal Erupts!
Another shocking new animal cruelty scandal has erupted involving milk suppliers to Fairlife, a billion-dollar milk brand owned by Coca Cola, sparking calls for a boycott. Animal Recovery Mission, ARM, has released gut-wrenching footage from 2 Arizona dairy farms that supply milk to Fairlife. A ...
How Mr. Charlie’s Is Changing Fast Food Forever!
Mr. Charlie’s is the up-and-coming, plant-based, fast food chain, sometimes dubbed “The Vegan McDonald’s.” It made headlines when world-renowned boxer Mike Tyson did a media event at Mr. Charlie’s in Los Angeles to celebrate the brand’s 3-year anniversary! The crowd went wild. Turns out Tyson, wh...
The End of Eggs! The Solution to High Egg Prices!
The tragic mass killing of millions of egg-laying chickens is leaving shelves empty as eggs - at any price - have become scarce in many part of the U.S. Well, here’s fantastic news. You never need to buy another egg, ever again. Watch as top LA chef Karen La Cava makes Just Egg! Just Egg, the pl...
Why The Time for Robotic Elephants Is NOW!
Breaking News: In the wake of horrifying elephant-related tragedies in India, a second, life-sized robotic elephant is being launched at a temple in India as we speak and UnchainedTV is bringing you the news as it happens. In just 2 months, captive elephant-related incidents have killed 6 people ...
What The Vegan Dog Food Study Reveals
If all dogs and cats in the US populated their own country, they’d be the fifth-largest meat-eating country in the world. And, now, our pets are suffering some of the diet-related ailments their human companions experience. So, a crucial question: Can dogs thrive on a plant-based diet? UnchainedT...
Let's End Cruel Monkey Experiments Now & Forever!
Breaking News: PETA says it has just uncovered a serious lapse by the U.S. government when it comes to its handling of 43 monkeys who escaped from a South Carolina research facility in November of 2024. All have now been recaptured but monkey escapes are just one of the many hazards of housing pr...
Stop Live Market Animal Abuse!
Animal Outlook has conducted undercover investigations - complete with shocking video footage - and says it has documented “widespread abuse” that “violates California law.” The group says, even though it has presented evidence and detailed solutions to help law enforcement do its job, it can’t ...
Bird Flu, Wildfires: Factory Farming's Role!
As California reels from devastating wildfires exacerbated by climate change, another threat grows… Bird Flu. The New York Times warns that the possibility of a pandemic is “no longer remote.” At the core of these calamities? Industrialized animal agriculture, accelerating climate change and rai...
Vegan Zombie Movie Director/Star Speaks
Meet Chris Cooney! He has spent the last 8 years of his life making A44, the Vegan Zombie Movie. He's the writer, director and star of this extraordinary film that sends your head spinning with wild twists and turns. Prepare to scream! Cooney plays a student trying to figure out why the people ar...
A44 - The Vegan Zombie Movie Trailer
Vegan Zombie Movie Trailer - Watch Now
The Vegan Zombie Movie Trailer is here, and it’s unlike anything you’ve seen before! A44 is a breakthrough horror film written, directed by, and starring Chris Cooney, better known as The Vegan Zombie. This thrilling new take on the zombie apocalypse brings... -
UnchainedTV’s LA Fires Town Hall honors the victims, both human and animal, gets the latest from rescuers on the ground and talks about how the daily choices of the human race have contributed to this unprecedented catastrophe. This will be one of the worst natural disasters in U.S. history. The ...
Capt Paul Watson, Freed from Prison, SPEAKS!
Captain Paul Watson, the world famous anti-whaling activist, has been freed from prison after serving five months behind bars! This is huge victory for environmental activism, human rights and animal rights. And, now, Capt Watson is speaking about what it was like to be held for 150 days due to w...
Veganuary Is Everywhere!
Veganuary is an international campaign to encourage people to go vegan during the month of January, a month where millions of us are making vows to get healthier and in better shape. The campaign began with a kitchen table discussion in late 2013. Matthew Glover and Jane Land brainstormed about t...
Will Bird Flu Be the Next Pandemic?
Now, fears surrounding Bird Flu are making headlines like: Experts Warn of Bird Flu Pandemic As Signals of Mutation Mount. That from ScienceAlert. SciTechDaily's headline reads: Alarming Mutation in H5N1 Virus Raises Pandemic Red Flags. The article goes on to say: "A recent study published in Sci...
Because They Need Us
“Because They Need Us” is a page-turner that reads like a thriller as she faces off against powerful interests making $ off animal abuse.
Order now: https://shorturl.at/REtC5
Mancuso is a powerhouse who has passed many crucial laws to save animals, with a focus on California, the world’s 5th lar... -
Vegans Across America
Ft. Wayne, Indiana is America's 83rd largest city in terms of population. It's the heart of the heartland and a typical example of America's Midwest. And, it's leaning plant-based as evidenced by the success of its Vegan Restaurant Month celebration, which is taking place all this month, through ...
BREAKING NEWS - How artificial intelligence will save India’s elephants from being hit by trains. Famed filmmaker and elephant advocate Sangita Iyer will announce that the AI-based equipment for 𝟑𝟎 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬 to be installed inside India’s famed 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐢 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 has FINALLY arr...
Starbucks Drops Vegan Upcharge!
(Press CC for Captions)
Starbucks is dropping its surcharge for plant-based milks, a surcharge that was as high as 70 to 80 cents per drink. So, now, those who love soy, oat, almond and coconut milk are treated as equal citizens at Starbucks in US and Canadian stores. FINALLY! This is a monumenta... -
Free Capt Paul Watson NOW
Whale Wars Star and founder of Sea Shepherd, Captain Paul Watson, has been imprisoned since July in Greenland! The anti-whaling hero has applied for political asylum in France as he fights off attempts by Japan to get him extradited to that nation where he could end up behind bars for 15 years. A...
Emergency! Help Save the Chimps!
EMERGENCY APPEAL: Help one amazing couple save more than 100 chimpanzees. Donate here: https://www.liberiachimpanzeerescue.org/donate.html
Now watch as Jenny and Dr. Jim Desmond tell their harrowing story LIVE. In 2015, a group of animal protection groups asked the Desmonds to go to Liberia to sa... -
Shocking Chicken Abuse!
BREAKING NEWS: Animal Outlook releases shocking, new undercover video of chickens being abused in a California factory farm and is calling for the Fresno County District Attorney’s office to file criminal animal cruelty charges against the corporation, which Animal Outlook identifies as Foster Fa...
Peru’s Plant-Based Legal Battle
A groundbreaking legal battle rages in Peru over vegan meal options at school. Two university students, who are vegan, have sued their school arguing that they are being discriminated against because there is no vegan meal option. Here’s the petition to sign in support of vegan options: https://w...
Harambe: True Crime Movie about a Gorilla
(Press CC for Captions in English & Español)
Harambe is a true-crime documentary like no other and will have you on the edge of your seat with crucial information never before revealed. You can watch it by clicking here:
Harambe, a criticall... -
LA Climate Week!
It’s groundbreaking and historic: LA Climate Week, the FIRST one ever, kicks off Sunday, SEPT 8 and runs through Sunday, September15th with more than 100 organizations holding more than 100 events at 20 different venues around Los Angeles! More than 5,000 people are expected to take part and YOU ...