Will some of California’s biggest factory farms be shut down? A groundbreaking ballot measure to ban massive animal factories, aka CAFOs, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, will be decided by Sonoma County, California voters this November! Will this spread across the nation? UnchainedTV’s Jane Velez-Mitchell speaks with leaders of The Coalition to End Factory Farming which collected over 37,000 signatures, easily qualifying for the ballot, including: Samantha Faye, Coalition to End Factory Farming,
Sarah Van Mantgem, co-founder of Farm Animal, Climate and Environmental Stewards of Sonoma County and Cassie King, Direct Action Everywhere’s Communications Lead.
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Jamie & Justina Get Arrested!
(Press CC for Captions)
OK. They did have suction cups on their nipples and were mostly naked inside Manhattan's famed Grand Central Station... but still. Did the cops really have to arrest them? Were they mugging anybody? NO. They were peacefully demonstrating against the dairy industry by showi... -
Police Use Excessive Force!
Four horses died during the 3-day 2023 Grand National event, called Britain's most dangerous horse race due to its numerous high fences, a veritable obstacle course for horses. The Animal Rising protesters who swarmed the race course in a nonviolent protest against abusing animals for entertainme...
"I Rescued the King's Sheep"
Meet three women, all members of the fast-growing UK group Animal Rising, who rescued three lambs destined for slaughter by going into a farm on the Sandringham estate of King Charles of England and taking them out. This made global news! While some news publications reported it as a theft, other...