Chimp Rescue after Abandonment
Their Turn
4m 11s
In 2015, after using 60 chimpanzees on an island off Liberia's coast for 30 years of biomedical research, the New York Blood Center withdrew funding, effectively - said critics - leaving the chimps to starve to death. The chimps' former caretakers in Liberia desperately reached out for help, sparking a global controversy over the New York Blood Center's abandonment of the chimps. It was a widely-reported scandal. In 2017, after repeated, intense protests at the New York Blood Center offices and at the homes of board members, a multi-million-dollar deal was finally reached with the NYBC to pay for the care for the chimps. In the interim, veterinarian Jim Desmond and his wife Jenny moved from the U.S. to Liberia to care for the chimps and they never left. This video shows the crisis unfolding BEFORE the deal was reached and introduces us to the many heroic individuals in Liberia and the U.S. who refused to allow this abominable abandonment to stand and forced the NY Blood Center to pay up... finally, This video shows Donny Moss, of, reporting from the scene in Liberia at the height of the crisis before the deal was struck. Moss led many of the protests and pressure campaigns against the NYBC. We invite the NYBC on any time to respond,.