Free Paul Watson NOW
Danish authorities arrested the 73-year old hero and Whale Wars TV show star in Greenland. UnchainedTV was LIVE at one of the many protests at Danish consulates around the world, where animal lovers and environmentalists demanded his release! Watson, co-founder of Sea Shepherd, is currently in custody fighting extradition to Japan, which wants to force him to stand trial for a 2010 run-in with Japanese whalers. Watson was arrested and dragged off his ship, the John Paul DeJoria, when it docked to refuel in Nuuk, the Danish territory's capital. Watson was on his way to intercept a new Japanese whaling ship in the North Pacific. Japan has accused Watson of damaging one of its whaling ships and hurting a Japanese crew member with a stink bomb meant to foil Japan's effort to slaughter whales. Watson's lawyers call that charge a lie and say they have evidence which proves it's a lie. But, Lamya Essemlali, the head of Sea Shepherd France, who attended the court hearing, told reporters: “The court refused to view the video evidence … which shows that the Japanese have fabricated evidence.” She complained that Watson doesn't even have a translator and called his treatment by Danish authorities, "scandalous." Now, watch this amazing interview with Captain Paul Watson, conducted by PLANT CEO Anant Joshi, before Watson's arrest. Watson has risked his life repeatedly to try and stop humanity's senseless slaughter of innocent whales, who are being driven to extinction by greed and heartlessness. UnchainedTV joins with many thousands the world over demanding Watson's immediate release.
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(Press CC for Captions)
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