What Is a Save Vigil Anyway?
Mini Docs
9m 37s
The Save Movement was founded on the philosophy of Leo Tolstoy, a great novelist and thinker. Tolstoy said that when you see suffering or injustice, you have a moral obligation to NOT turn away but to get closer, see if you can help. And, even if you cannot help, bear witness. There is a power in bearing witness to suffering. This is the essence of The Save Movement, founded by Toronto Ph.D. Anita Krajnc, who was ultimately arrested for giving water to a pig bound for slaughter, in a case that garnered global media attention. The charges were ultimately dismissed! Here Cavelight Films reveals what the Save Movement is all about and why it's grown to more than a thousand chapters around the world. Visit TheSaveMovement.org to start your own chapter.
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