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Until All Are Free

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These Cows Dig It!

Mini Docs • 48s

Up Next in Mini Docs

  • Until All Are Free

    “Until All Are Free” is a short documentary (running time 34 minutes) that will give YOU the information you need to help save our world from an impending climate apocalypse!

    The film is a clarion call to wake up and see the interconnection of all living beings and our planet, to see that the wa...

  • The Mama Sezz Story

    A vibrant, older woman faced a health crisis and the way she overcame it is extraordinary. This is the story that inspired

  • The Walrus Whisperer - Short Documentary

    Phil Demers made international headlines in 2007 while he was a trainer at Marineland in Niagara Falls, Canada, when a walrus named Smooshi imprinted on him. However, their bond and the media attention that came with it would come to shed light on a marine park that is marred with deplorable cond...