Farm Sanctuary

Farm Sanctuary

Farm Sanctuary fights the disastrous effects of animal agriculture on animals, the environment, social justice, and public health through rescue, education, and advocacy. Farmed animals are among the most abused creatures on Earth. An estimated 77,047,000,959 land animals were slaughtered worldwide for food in 2018. Many were raised on factory farms, which maximize agribusiness profits at the expense of the animals, the environment, social justice, and public health.

Farm Sanctuary has two gorgeous facilities, one in New York and one in California, just 45 minutes from downtown Los Angeles. Visit to arrange a visit, become a volunteer or adopt/sponsor a farmed animal.

Farm Sanctuary
  • Pippa Coast to Coast

    Pippa the lamb had physical problems that made her useless to the production farm where she was born. Farm Sanctuary stepped in and took extraordinary measure to secure her safety and happiness. Farm Sanctuary has an extensive team of veterinarians, staffers and volunteers who make sure every ani...

  • Lizzie + Robbie = BFFs.

    Now, Lizzie and Robbie are living the life... together. They love each other. That's also called a bonded pair. Pigs are highly intelligent. Sorry dog lovers. They are much smarter than dogs. They're considered among the top 6 most intelligent animals on the planet. Want to learn more? Visit http...

  • One Kind Woman & Farm Sanctuary Saved 10 Cows

    People told the new owner to just send the cows to slaughter. She wouldn't have it. Instead, she called Farm Sanctuary and one of their rescue teams moved into action. Watch and realize how much these animals want to live and how they appreciate when they are treated in a kindly fashion, instead ...

  • Hens Taste Freedom

    Hens are among the most abused animals on the planet. Humans eat many billions of them every year and they are raised in such cramped and horrific conditions, they are routinely de-beaked to prevent them from pecking each other to death. These handful of hens are among the most lucky on earth as ...

  • Behind the Scenes at Farm Sanctuary

    Farm Sanctuary cares for numerous turkeys at its facilities on either coast. Contrary to popular culture, turkeys are highly social, highly intelligent and sensitive animals. Caring for them is a joyous task. Want to learn more? Visit

  • Squid in his Cart

    Farm Sanctuary's expert team helps disabled farmed animals get a new chance at life. Why? Because each individual counts and is entitled to their own life. Experience second-hand joy as animals like Squid gain mobility and freedom. What a gift. Want to get involved? Visit https://www.farmsanctuar...

  • Rescue: Why It's So Vital.

    Farm Sanctuary was America's first farmed animal sanctuary and, today, is considered the model for sanctuaries all over the world. Here are some of its extraordinary stories of rescue. This uplifting short film could have you wanting to be a part of this transformation. And, you can be. Visit htt...

  • Sheep Barn Cleaning

    The sheep get some play time outdoors while the Farm Sanctuary team cleans up their barn. Despite caring for hundreds of animals, Farm Sanctuary is known for keeping all of their barns ship shape! You can arrange a visit to their magnificent facilities in New York or California by clicking here:...

  • Oh Joy! It's Time for the Birds to Party!

    At Farm Sanctuary, hens, turkeys and geese get to live their best lives, the way nature intended them to live: running and swimming and grooming and playing. Check it out. And, get involved at:

  • The Legend of Glen Goat

    This inspiring and humorous video shows us just how smart animals are and how determined Farm Sanctuary is to help animals who are in danger. Glen Goat was in trouble, needing special care. Now, find out about the incredible lengths the Farm Sanctuary team went to in order to rescue this wily fel...

  • Paula's Rescue Story

    Paula escaped the fate of most dairy cows in her predicament. The farmer had a change of heart and Farm Sanctuary was able to whisk her to safety. This story is the exception, not the rule. So, enjoy this touching video and its happy ending over a hot cup of tea... with plant-based milk. And, vis...

  • What It Takes to Care!

    It's 7am at Farm Sanctuary's glorious location in Acton, California, which is just a 45 minute drive from downtown LA. Caregiver Brooke shows us how it's done. It's hard work but SO fulfilling. The turkeys, like Venus and Serena, look forward to their morning meal. Next, it's time to pay attentio...

  • Four Lucky Cows!

    Farm Sanctuary, which has the honor of being the first farmed animal sanctuary in the United States, has two glorious sanctuaries on either coast. It also rescues animals who are placed with loving and responsible people through the organization's Farm Animal Adoption Network or FAAN. Learn all a...

  • Freedom to Walk... Just Walk.

    Farmed Sanctuary offers animals rescued from industrialized animal agriculture a safe home where they can live as nature intended. They actually get to walk and touch grass. For most of these animals, it is the very first time they have been able to do that. This video will leave you appreciating...