1h 23m
Spying, trials, paparazzi, courtroom drama, intrigue galore, this movie feels more like a thriller than a documentary. But, it all really happened, becoming the longest trial in English history! In refusing to back down, no matter what, these two individuals changed the world. This jaw-dropping film took more than a decade to complete. Directed by Franny Armstrong, McLibel tells the captivating, real life battle of gardener Helen Steel and postman Dave Morris who simply decided they did not owe McDonalds an apology for criticizing the company's impact on the environment, animals, workers and human health. In fact, they figured, it was the other way around. McDonalds, they said, owed them an apology. Tracked by corporate spies and dragged through the courts, these two understated but incredibly stoic and determined individuals proved to the world that, by standing firm for one's convictions, you can go head to head with huge multinational corporations and....??? Well, you'll have to watch to see what happens.
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Pig Little Lies - The Movie
(Press CC for Captions in English & Español)
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The Most Intense Demonstration Ever
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