

So many people say it was watching one powerful documentary that set them on a new path in life. At UnchainedTV, we have curated some of the most powerful vegan documentaries ever made, available for you to stream. These films cover a range of tones and topics, offering something for everyone, from lighthearted explorations to intense, eye-opening revelations.

"Vegucated" is a lighthearted and entertaining documentary that follows three meat-and-cheese-loving New Yorkers as they adopt a vegan diet for six weeks. Their journey is filled with humor and unexpected discoveries, making it a great introduction to the vegan lifestyle.

For those seeking a more intense and thought-provoking experience, "Earthlings" voiced by Joaquin Phoenix and "Dominion" are must-watch documentaires. These films explore the harsh realities of animal exploitation and the environmental impact of factory farming. With powerful footage and compelling narratives, they are designed to make viewers rethink their everyday choices and the impact they have on animals and the planet.

UnchainedTV's original documentary, "Countdown to Year Zero," offers alarming predictions about what could soon happen if the human race does not adjust its behavior. This film combines expert interviews and striking visuals to highlight the urgent need for change. It serves as a wake-up call, emphasizing the dire consequences of continuing on our current path and the potential for a better future if we act now.

If you want to deepen your understanding of ethical and sustainable living, these documentaries provide valuable insights and inspiration. Watch and get ready to be transformed by these powerful stories that could set you on a new path in life. Stream free on UnchainedTV and join the movement towards a more compassionate and sustainable world.

  • Harambe

    Cast & crew
    User reviews

    Harambe (2023)

    Harambe's death shattered the illusion of safety within the walls of captivity. After a toddler fell into his enclosure, through no fault of his own, Harambe was met with a single shot to his head....

  • A DYING SEA - The Disaster of the Sea of Marmara

    A DYING SEA - The Disaster of the Sea of Marmara.

    This film feels like a thriller, but it is all too real and offers a warning about what mankind is doing to its seas and oceans. During a visit with the "Marine Life Conservation Society" divers find a ghost net on their very first dive. Unfortu...

  • Gods In Shackles

    (Press CC for Captions)
    Now, watch with captions or Spanish subtitles! Sangita Iyer is one of the world's leading champions for India's elephants and she made this film after she witnessed, with her own eyes, the terrible ways elephants are abused for cultural and religious regions in the Indian ...

  • Eating Our Way To Extinction: Award-Winning Film

    Eating Our Way to Extinction stars globally renowned figures, including Academy Award Winner Kate Winslet and Richard Branson, and the world's leading scientists. This film is a cinematic feature documentary, taking audiences on a journey around the world and addressing the elephant in the room t...

  • Forks Over Knives

    The feature film Forks Over Knives examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases including heart disease and diabetes, that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting animal-based and processed foods.

    Directed by Lee Fulkerson, this groundbrea...

  • Moby's Punk Rock Vegan Movie

    Punk Rock Vegan Movie is a feature-length documentary written and directed (and shot and scored) by Moby. It looks at the surprising history of punk rock and animal rights activism, features interviews with dozens of punk rock legends, and also cameos from Bagel the dog, the devil, and a boardroo...

  • McLibel

    Spying, trials, paparazzi, courtroom drama, intrigue galore, this movie feels more like a thriller than a documentary. But, it all really happened, becoming the longest trial in English history! In refusing to back down, no matter what, these two individuals changed the world. This jaw-dropping f...

  • Ahimsa & Environment: Making Peace with Nature

    Rising global temperatures, wildfires, cyclones, floods, deforestation, and the loss of biodiversity and wildlife, we are facing the sixth major extinction and Ahimsa (non-harming) is the only effective solution. “The way we're currently living doesn't work. This model of living where we just kee...

  • Pig Little Lies - The Movie

    (Press CC for Captions)

    Get ready for an unforgettable adventure with "Pig Little Lies," an UnchainedTV original movie that redefines the reality show genre by following a family of pigs! Produced by Eamonn McCrystal, this heartwarming film captures the incredible journey of Dante and Beatrice, ...

  • The Most Intense Demonstration Ever

    This demonstration plays like an action flick as hundreds of followers of Direct Action Everywhere surge into the San Francisco Ferry Building, an historic structure that has become a favorite foodie destination with rows of boutique shops. UnchainedTV's Jane Velez-Mitchell was literally the only...

  • Ending Real Fur

    (Press CC for Captions)
    Jewelry magnate Taimoor Choudhry’s transformation from a fast-living, wild spending, conspicuous consumer of luxury goods to a relentless anti-fur activist starts when he asks a simple question: Who am I wearing? It turns out his fur trim is from a dog. Being a dog lover, ...

  • Hero Dog
    Movie + 1 extra

    Hero Dog

    Movie + 1 extra

    One dog’s heroic act—caught on surveillance camera—inspires a filmmaker to travel to Chile to explore the feasibility of a search for the hero dog. The result is a stirring documentary and the adoption of multiple street dogs, proving that courage is contagious… and one dog can make a difference....

  • Earthlings - 10 Year Anniversary Edition


    Get ready to witness the groundbreaking documentary "Earthlings," narrated by the acclaimed actor Joaquin Phoenix. If you love animals, this documentary is a must-watch film that dives deep into the hidden realities of our relationsh...

  • Dining on Despair

    This is a comprehensive and extremely informative documentary, produced by the Green REV Institute, a think tank in Poland that really lays out the disaster that is modern animal agriculture for the environment, human health and the animals themselves. It's great to get the perspective of Polish ...

  • Hogwood - A Modern Horror Story

    Presented by Game of Thrones star Jerome Flynn, Hogwood: A Modern Horror Story follows an intrepid group of undercover investigators as they enter some of Britain's biggest animal factories for the very first time. What do they find out? You've been lied to. "Thank God for these people that are w...

  • Dairy Disclosed - What It Takes to Make Milk and Cheese

    Most people don't even know cows have to be pregnant to produce milk. So... what happens to those babies? This short documentary explains how the dairy industry actually operates, punctuated by some heartfelt stories. Starring Mic the Vegan in collaboration with Luvin Arms Animal Sanctuary. Prod...

  • Milk Orphans - Short Film

    A team of heroic Brazilian animal activists swoop in to pull off an extraordinary rescue after they get word that hundreds of mama and baby buffaloes have been left to starve to death after a Sao Paulo area dairy farm is abandoned. The Brazilian Vegetarian Society (SVB) recounts the tremendous ch...

  • Dominion

    WARNING: For mature audiences only. Not suitable for minors. Dominion uses drones, hidden and handheld cameras to expose the dark underbelly of modern animal agriculture, questioning the morality and validity of humankind’s dominion over the animal kingdom. While mainly focusing on animals used f...

  • Let Us Be Heroes

    Let us be Heroes explores the impact of our food and lifestyle choices on our health, our planet and our values. This fast-moving, life-changing film offers inspiring stories from athletes, food and fashion entrepreneurs, a public speaker and an ocean warrior. All are fighting to protect people, ...

  • The Invisible Vegan

    The Invisible Vegan is a 90-minute independent documentary that explores the problem of unhealthy dietary patterns in the African-American community, foregrounding the health and wellness possibilities enabled by plant-based vegan diets and lifestyle choices. The documentary begins with the perso...

  • Finding Shelter


    Finding Shelter follows the Rowles family, from the UK, as they pack up their 4 kids and move to a small town in Bulgaria, in search of a quiet life. Their plans are altered, as they butt heads with the locals and slowly transform a community, with the opening of an animal shelter.

  • Land of Ahimsa


    India is the world’s second most populous country with about 1.4 billion people. Now, there’s an award-winning new film, streaming for free on UnchainedTV, about a growing movement with its roots in the teachings of Gandhi. Game of Thrones star Jerome Flynn is one of the executive producers. And,...

  • Plant Pure Nation

    (Press CC for Captions)
    Fast-paced and feeling more like a thriller than a documentary, Plant Pure Nation is a movie that could save your life. No kidding. T. Colin Campbell is an American biochemist. His specialty? The impact of nutrition on long-term health. What he learns and shows you in this...

  • Lion Ark


    More action-adventure than traditional documentary, Lion Ark follows the world's most ambitious and daring animal rescue, with a narrative compiled from film, interviews, conversations, and the real-time reactions of rescuers as events unfold – this is up close and personal.

    A shocking undercov...