Big Cat Rescue
5 Seasons
Big Cat Rescue, one of the world’s most influential sanctuaries for exotic cats, is a leading advocate for ending the abuse of captive big cats and saving wild cats from extinction. We are the most hated, feared, and lied about by circuses, backyard breeders, roadside zoos, cub petting pimps, and pseudo-sanctuaries because we are the most effective at ending the abuse of big cats. We wear that as a badge of honor.
While ideally these species should never have been taken from the wild, Big Cat Rescue offers the very best life possible for these animals who had previously spent most of their existence languishing in cages. UnchainedTV is showcasing these amazing videos in the hopes that people around the world rally to save these animals by condemning petting zoos, the wildlife trade, and other pipelines for cruelty. Please support the Baskin family's crucial work by visiting
01:49Episode 1
Jaguar Roar
Episode 1
03:17Episode 2
Big Cats Smashing Pumpkins
Episode 2
03:32Episode 3
Big Cat Rescue Is Getting Squirrley
Episode 3
04:04Episode 4
Big Cat Grrrrowloween
Episode 4
02:03Episode 5
BCR-Fav-20_Tiger VS Christmas Tree
Episode 5
02:19Episode 6
Big Cats VS Water Hose
Episode 6
04:35Episode 7
Big Cats Are Thankful
Episode 7
Big cats showing gratitude for all the love!
02:02Episode 8
Tiger Talk
Episode 8
Tigers make incredible sounds, and they are used to communicate. Learn all about it in this video.
02:38Episode 9
Treats For The Fourth With BIG Cats
Episode 9
Big Cat Rescue is celebrating the 4th of July with their cats, serving them treats and even having holiday decor for them.
03:02Episode 10
Tiger VS Hawk
Episode 10
Learn how this hawk was rescued at the big cat sanctuary, and how it got stuck in the first place.
01:34Episode 11
Tiger Tree Hugger
Episode 11
This big cat names Simba is obsessed with trees. But why? find out in this video.
02:21Episode 12
What Are The Tigers Excited About
Episode 12
Find out why these tigers are so excited!
05:41Episode 13
Thank You From Big Cat Rescue
Episode 13
03:08Episode 14
Two Bobcats Become Best Friends
Episode 14
After a monitored and separated introduction, two Bobcats at Big Cat Rescue become good buddies!
03:22Episode 15
Big Cats + Watermelons = Summer FUN
Episode 15
Watch how these giant cats react to watermelons. Will they eat them? Find out.
01:51Episode 16
Tiger Predicts BIG Game Winner
Episode 16
How did this tiger at Big Cat Rescue predict the winner of the big football game?
04:02Episode 17
Meowy Big Cat Christmas
Episode 17
Watch how the big cats at Big Cat Rescue celebrate Christmas. It's quite a scene!
05:23Episode 18
Circus Tiger's Story To A Happier Life
Episode 18
Big cats get a new life away from the cruel circus and find a new home at Big Cat Sanctuary.
04:27Episode 19
A Bobcat And His Castle
Episode 19
Big Cat Sanctuary makes their big cats homes fun with all kinds of these to play with, including giant castles!
02:07Episode 20
Baby Bobcat Has FUN
Episode 20
Watch this bobcat have loads of fun at the Big Cat Rescue, where he lives.
02:26Episode 21
White Tiger On The Move
Episode 21
White tiger Zabu is on the move. Where is she going?
03:21Episode 22
Wild Bobcat Is Free To Go
Episode 22
This bobcat was brought to the sanctuary as a small kitten. She is now being set free after being rehabilitated.
02:17Episode 23
Tiger VS Box
Episode 23
Watch this huge tiger have so much fun with a cardboard box! Just like domestic cats do!
02:37Episode 24
Big Cats VS Boxes
Episode 24
Big cats like boxes has much as your house cat! It is hilarious and fun to watch them play.