

Viva has 4 components:

"Viva! Animals launches dynamic campaigns to expose factory farming – an atrocious industry which has taken over meat, dairy and egg production. Most animals spend their short lives in misery, imprisoned in squalor and exploited for human use. Their endless suffering is kept out of sight behind closed doors and so it falls to Viva! to expose the truth. We film and photograph the conditions on factory farms to show the public how animals really live and urge them to choose vegan.

"Viva! Planet highlights how livestock farming is destroying our planet. Animal agriculture is at the heart of almost every huge environmental catastrophe, including the climate crisis. We present the latest scientific research in our headline report Envirocidal and actively campaign on environmental issues as part of our huge Vegan Now campaign. We encourage people to move towards less resource-intensive diets, by choosing vegan.

"Viva! Health is on-hand to support people on their journey into veganism. We take the latest scientific papers and make them accessible for everyone, creating factsheets and combating misinformation about health and nutrition. In our landmark Incredible Vegan Health Report, and many campaigns – from diabetes to obesity – we provide all the evidence as to why a vegan diet keeps people healthier, living longer and protected against degenerative diseases.

"Viva! Lifestyle shows how positive and easy it is to go vegan. From our Vegan Recipe Club and 30 Day Vegan – packed with delicious tried and tested recipes – to the Viva! Shop which offers vegan fashion and food, it has everything you need to get started. We also produce a wide array of materials to help people go vegan – sending out thousands of Vegan Super Packs, guides and leaflets. We also talk to people directly with our many friendly street actions with free vegan hotdogs, cappuccinos, milkshakes and ice-cream."

For more information, visit:

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