YOU Can Help Save Tule Elk from Dying of Thirst!
UnchainedTV Podcast!
Act now!
The National Park Service (NPS) wants YOUR, the public's, input by Sept. 25th, on their wonderful "proposed action" to remove the 3-mile-long fence at Point Reyes National Seashore that keeps the Tule Elk from water access, causing the slow, gruesome deaths of hundreds of elk.
The NPS is now recommending dismantling the elk fence! Yay! But, they need to know that it’s a popular proposal. The meat/dairy industry is on the other side, wanting the precious resources for their ranches. PLEASE SAY: YES, get rid of the fence! It’s quick & easy — take 3 minutes! COMMENT: "I agree with your 'preferred alternative B' to remove the fence." Click here:
Speak for the Tule Elk and against the cattle/dairy industry that’s been pushing to remove the Elk. Jack Gescheidt of The Tree Spirit Project and Fleur Dawes of In Defense of Animals bring us the latest on this breaking news, life-or-death story!
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