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Texas Is Going Vegan

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Ranch Rescue - Storming to Safety!

Rowdy Girl Sanctuary • 29m
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Texas Is Going Vegan

Texas Is Going Vegan was performed by Renee King-Sonnen and Jane Velez-Mitchell on location at the Rowdy Girl Sanctuary in Texas, surrounded by cows rescued from the horrors of factory farming. Renee and Jane had been on their own self-styled Texas Vegan Tour, which took them from VegFests to cam...

Happy Rescued Animals at Rowdy Girl S...

This is what happy animals look like. And, when you are watching, you'll realize that pigs, cows, chickens, turkeys, goats and lambs are just like dogs and cats. They love their family and friends, want to roam free and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. They love to bathe and play too. Check it o...

This is Rowdy Girl Sanctuary

Whaaaaat? Yessiree, that is exactly what happened. Renee King-Sonnen married Tommy Sonnen, a multi-generational cattle rancher. Renee, a former country singer, liked to practice her guitar in the meadow where the herd of cows grazed. It was there that Renee had a spiritual experienced and realize...