The End of Eggs! The Solution to High Egg Prices!
The tragic mass killing of millions of egg-laying chickens is leaving shelves empty as eggs - at any price - have become scarce in many part of the U.S. Well, here’s fantastic news. You never need to buy another egg, ever again. Watch as top LA chef Karen La Cava makes Just Egg! Just Egg, the plant-based “egg,” can easily be made into a scramble or an omelet that looks and tastes just like chicken eggs. The maverick businessman who created Just Egg, Josh Tetrick, will tell us how Just Egg sales are surging and where to get the product! Also, watch as top San Diego chef Tracy Childs shows you the natural egg replacers you can use in baking and cooking. And, meet a registered dietitian who will explain why chicken eggs are not good for you. Stephanie McBurnett, RDN, is the nutrition educator for Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, a nonprofit organization promoting preventive medicine through plant-based nutrition. Now, UnchainedTV’s Jane Velez-Mitchell kicks off The End of Eggs!
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