His Life Turned Upside Down When...
Meet the man behind the movie that could end fur farming in Canada. Taimoor Choudhry’s transformation from a high flying consumer of luxury goods to a passionate animal activist started when he asked a simple question: Who am I wearing? It turned out that his fur trim was from a dog. Being a dog lover, this turned his world upside down. His award-winning film Ending Real Fur features Tim Gunn of Project Runway and Making the Cut fame, Arch Enemy lead vocalist Alissa White-Gluz, PETA’s Ingrid Newkirk and many others. It will debut THIS BLACK FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24th on UNCHAINEDTV at 4:30pm Pacific/7:30pm Eastern, followed by a LIVE Q&A with Tim Gunn & Alissa White-Gluz. Mark your calendars! Here's the LINK TO WATCH the premiere: https://watch.unchainedtv.com/browse
Now, hear the incredible story behind this groundbreaking film!
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Why This Australian Member of Parliam...
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