Canadian Animal Activists Found Guilty! Watch their reactions!
UnchainedTV's LIVE for the post-verdict news conference by two Canadian Animal Rights Activists! Amy Soranno and Nick Schafer, aka #TheExcelsior4, are going to jail for their part in the "Meat The Victims" farm lock-down in 2019. Amy and Nick filmed and streamed what happens inside of a Canadian factory farm and face charges of break and enter and mischief with the potential for many years in jail. Sign their petition here:
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Vegan MRE's for US Military!
Surveys show that soldiers want more food options including vegan meals! is leading the charge to get the U.S. military to offer vegan MREs, aka Meals Ready to Eat! MFA's Frances Chrzan & Sgt Vegan Bill Muir talk to UnchainedTV! -
This Video Went Viral: Find Out Why!
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The company in question is invited on any time to respond. Visit to get involved. -
Ukraine Animals In Crisis!
PETA leads this UnchainedTV special report on the Ukraine as red tape keeps fleeing Ukrainians from crossing some borders with their animals! and