Be Kind Already
3m 55s
This song was written by UnchainedTV founder jane Velez-Mitchell, who worked in mainstream media for decades where she tried to convince people that exploiting and killing animals for food, fashion, experimentation and entertainment was morally wrong and would come back to haunt the human race. Take in the words and see if you relate!
Up Next in Music
Plastic Free Party
Yes to plant-based partying. No to plastic! Yes to composting. No to disposable. Reusable = YES. Let's get rid of the paper napkins too! PARTAAYYY for the planet. Thank you Bye Bye Plastic for this catchy party anthem!
Roundup Blues: The Special Interests
Brought to us by The Special Interests, the Roundup Blues encapsulates, in one clever song, why our food system is so messed up. And, why we are all paying the price in a variety of ways from a devastated planet, exploited animals and sick humans.
Red Trailer @ Rowdy Girl Sanctuary
Country singer and cattle rancher's wife turned vegan animal activist Renee King-Sonnen wrote this song for her friends... the cows of Texas. Visit: