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So You Love Chocolate?

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Jamie's Corner • 16m

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  • So You Love Chocolate?

    Big business is doing an incredible job of indoctrinating us to consume the breast milk of cows without us realizing we are drinking the breast milk of another species. But, when you think of it that way, it's not so appetizing is it? Now, you can enjoy absolutely delicious dairy-free chocolates ...

  • Why the Lone Star Tick Will Blow Your...

    Is mother nature trying to tell us something? While actress Jamie Logan is a comic genius, this is no joke. The Lone Star Tick can cause.... wait for it... a meat allergy! That is correct and not fake news or an alternative fact. The bite of the lone star tick can cause the bitee (this word is no...

  • Mermaids Rock

    Journalist/actress/comedian/activist Jamie Logan meets up with mermaids and the Old Man of the Sea along Santa Monica beach where - in true ONLY IN LA fashion - people are giving away fish tacos that are NOT made from fish. Call them FYSH.

    A lot of people don't really consider fish to be animals...