Dr. Joel Fuhrman - Be Your Healthiest Self

Dr. Joel Fuhrman - Be Your Healthiest Self

Dr. Joel Fuhrman is a famed physician specializing in helping patients prevent and reverse disease. He is a best-selling author and creator of multiple PBS specials, a council member of the True Health Initiative and President of the Nutritional Research Foundation. Says Dr. Fuhrman, "Recent advancements in nutritional science can grant us the opportunity to live a life free of heart disease, strokes, and even cancer, living longer than at any point in human history. It will take effort but the rewards you will get from a healthy life will be priceless."

Verywell Health reports that, "Dr. Fuhrman has helped thousands of people lose weight permanently and reverse chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases and chronic pain syndromes, including migraines, using a nutrient-dense, plant-rich eating style that he calls the Nutritarian diet. An internationally-recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing, Dr. Fuhrman is also a health and fitness enthusiast whose athletic background gives him a keen insight into the importance of diet and physical exercise. Before graduating from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Dr. Fuhrman was a world-class figure skater who placed third in the 1976 World Professional Pairs Skating Championship."

Dr. Joel Fuhrman - Be Your Healthiest Self
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  • What Is the ANDI Score?

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  • What the Heck are High Glycemic Foods?

    A glycemic load is a practical number that considers the amount of food eaten and how fast the sugar in the meal will enter the bloodstream. And it matters if you're trying to reverse chronic disease, prevent cancer, or achieve healthy weight loss. Or simply wants to stay healthy.

    Dr. Joel Fuhrm...

  • Healthy & Tasty Superfoods Dishes

    Elevate your health and savor the bold flavors of whole foods. Start saying goodbye to added salt, oil, and sugar, and start saying hello to nutrient-dense meals that nourish your body. Here's Dr. Joel Fuhrman with recipes for dried tomato chili, cauliflower spinach mashed potatoes, and Californi...

  • How Much Vitamin D, Zinc and Iodine Do You Need?

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  • Is Calorie Restriction Something You Need to Worry About?

    Dr. Joel Fuhrman and his daughter Jenna discuss one of the most debated topics in the world of nutrition — calorie intake. Calorie restriction comes up a lot when people talk about plant-based diets. The common misconception is that a plant-based diet is calorie-restricted because it excludes ani...

  • For a Long Life... Garden! Seriously!

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  • Is Fasting a Good Idea?

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