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Cost of Freedom

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Let Us Be Heroes

Documentaries • 41m

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  • Cost of Freedom

    COST OF FREEDOM is the story of a wolf the feds named B36F. She was one of 66 wolves brought from Canada to the lower 48 states during the Wolf Reintroduction Program of 1995. While other wolves formed packs, B36 roamed the Idaho mountains alone. After several years, she found her mate—a native w...

  • Friends of Bonobos of the Congo - Ext...

    Extended Version. Winner of the Boden International Film Festival (BIFF) Best Short Documentary

    An introduction to bonobos and the conservation mission of Friends of Bonobos of the Congo, an environmental nonprofit rooted in the belief that love heals and that -- through education and opportunit...

  • Mother's Milk!

    (Press CC for Captions in English & Español)
    This award-winning film feels like a fictional thriller. But, it's all really happening. A doctor quits his job and embarks on an investigative journey across India to find out if there is indeed a link between the nation’s massive dairy consumption an...