Help, I'm a trapped Octopus!
Climate & Sustainability
5m 22s
Octopus farms are becoming big business all over the globe, and this short animated film shows the view point of an octopus trapped in an octopus farm, in vast contrast to these solitary creatures roaming freely and jetting along to bottom of the ocean floor. The octopus farms consist of tiny, dark, dirty, cramped and deadly tanks, where the octopus weep and shake and can't even stretch their eight arms. These farms are also causing harm to the ocean and contribute to climate chaos. California is not only the world's 5th largest economy, but also an octopus defender as the second state to pass the California Oppose Cruelty to Octopuses (OCTO) law to ban octopus farming and first state to prohibit farmed octopus sales. This law is designed to stop octopus farms before they can open. You can also be an octopus defender by signing the petition (below) and also sign the Plant Based Treaty, eat plants and plant trees.
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