Charity Kahn

Charity Kahn

Charity Kahn is a mother, songwriter, musician, teaching artist and the founder of Charity and the JAMband, JAMboodas, and JAMcamp. She's been singing and dancing with children and families since the inception of JAM in 2001, shortly after she became a mom.

What started in her living room as a music-and-movement playgroup for her friends and their kids has expanded into an ever-growing collection of award-winning recorded music, live performances, school & library visits, classes and camps for kids, birthday celebrations, and mindfulness offerings and music for the grown-ups who love and teach them.

The vehicles are music, movement and mindfulness, and the opportunities for growth, connection and joy are boundless. For more, visit

Charity Kahn
  • Old MacDonald Sanctuary Farm

    The incredibly talented Charity Kahn has another hit song that just gets better and better as it goes along! Written and performed by Charity and the JAMband!

  • Song for CA Elk Dying of Thirst

    Our government sides with dairy ranchers over citizens and wildlife, letting Tule Elk die of thirst. Help them:

    This is all going down in California, near the P.t Reyes National Seashore, a major tourist destination. Of course, the tourists go to see the nature, and watch...

  • Earth Day by Charity and the JAMband

    Every day should be Earth Day! Charity Kahn and the JAMband rock this earthy anthem!

  • Earth Day

    “Earth Day” song by Charity and the JAMband to celebrate the truth that every single day should be Earth Day! Let’s care for Mother Earth and all beings. Hope you’ll sing and dance along!


    Tule Elk are a national treasure. Tourists flock to California's Point Reyes National Seashore to see them. But state bureaucrats side with dairy ranchers and let elk die. Help stop this! IDAUSA.ORG