Meet Your Milk
Animal Rising
1m 44s
So many people say, "There's no harm in using dairy. We're not killing the cows, are we?" This video is not, in any way, graphic. So, don't worry about that. Still, it makes the point that dairy involves tremendous cruelty and is completely unnatural. Baby calves must be removed from their mothers. Otherwise... they would drink the cow's milk that nature intended for them, not humans. We are the only species that drinks the breast milk of another species. The mother cows cry out for their babies for days on end.
Those baby calves are put, by the thousands, millions and billions around the world, into tiny hutches. Each is isolated and lonely, yearning to be with their mothers and to have any kind of gentle interaction. Meanwhile, their mothers are being forcibly impregnated again by a man (usually, it's a man) sticking his arm inside her private parts and inseminating her (this is rape) thereby forcing her to produce more calves. Yes, cows need to be pregnant to produce milk, just like human females! After a couple of years of this, the cows - who in nature can live two decades or more - are so worn down, they are considered "spent" and sent off to be slaughtered and turned into hamburger meat. Who replaces them? Their daughters. This is the ultimate patriarchy, ladies. Think about that. Men, the boy calves are considered useless because they will never produce milk. So, they either become veal - which also involves horrible confinement and cruelty - or they are violently put out of their misery or left to die. Heard enough? And, please understand why, when we see someone mindlessly consuming dairy products, those of us in the know become sad and frustrated. All of this torment is completely unnecessary and encouraged by massive corporations that condition people to think they need dairy, when even the National Institutes of Health says at least 67% of Americans are lactose intolerant. Nobody needs to consume the breast milk of a cow! Start thinking for yourself and stop simply doing the bidding of big corporations, please. Just try soy milk or almond milk or rice milk or hemp milk or.... anything but cow's milk.