Soul Rebel - Brazil
5m 24s
What a getaway. A place to cleanse your body, mind and soul. It's called Soul Rebel. It's run by an inspiring woman named JuJu. Soul Rebel is nestled in a quiet section of Rio de Janeiro. Here's how JuJu describes the experience: "Indulge in delicious vegan meals and uncover new ways to nourish yourself and your loved ones. Join us on a delightful journey to the local market, where you’ll learn about exotic fruits, colorful vegetables, and mouthwatering recipes. Along the way, pick up some Portuguese to add a touch of cultural flair. Engage in the art of composting, planting, harvesting, and fermenting, while discovering the incredible health benefits of a vegan, natural, and live diet." To learn more, or to book a unique and unforgettable vacation, visit: