News Conference to Stop Yulin Dog Meat Festival
1h 4m
#UnchainedTV and In Defense of Animals are hosting this virtual news conference, seeking to halt the horrific Yulin, China dog meat festival that is starting in that city as we speak. To that end, a coalition of animal protection organizations is pleading with the Mayor of Paterson, New Jersey to use his city’s influence as the Sister City of Yulin, China to demand a halt to the event where thousands of dogs are tortured, killed and eaten. IDA has sent a letter to the Paterson Mayor and Paterson City Council urging immediate action. Here to discuss is IDA’s Fleur Dawes, Doreen Frega of Animal Protection League of New Jersey, animal welfare advocate Jeffrey Mausner, Sheena Gao of Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation, Jade Ara of Yoga Stops Yulin & Rayko Takahashi of Yoga Stops Yulin LA. UnchainedTV’s Jane Velez-Mitchell moderates. Sign the petition here: