How Can Vegans Find Love?
Maya Gottfried is a multi-talented author/animal activist. She had written 3 books. Two of them are children's books, Good Dog and Our Farm, by the animals of Farm Sanctuary. Another book is a fascinating look at vegan dating called Vegan Love. Watch the video and get some of her insights. Click below if you want to get one of Maya's books:
Meanwhile, Maya also works in animal rescue. Working at an SPCA is a roller coaster of emotions, from the joy of getting a dog adopted to the sadness of seeing a dog dumped by their owners. Maya Gottfried works at the Dutchess County SPCA in the Hudson Valley of New York. Founded in 1871, Dutchess County SPCA is one of the oldest SPCAs in the country. The Dutchess County SPCA is not a governmental agency, nor is it affiliated with the ASPCA. It is an independent charity, funded almost entirely by private donations. You can learn more here: