Meet Farm Sanctuary's Gene Baur!
Farm Sanctuary's Gene Baur is inviting YOU to a fabulous, fun, Valentine's Day celebration on Saturday, February 11th at 1pm pacific at Farm Sanctuary's gorgeous Acton, California location, just 45 minutes from LA! The first caller will get 2 free tickets to the event! CALL IN: 866 472-5795. Meet happy, serene, rescued cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, sheep and other special beings.
Gene Baur has been hailed as “the conscience of the food movement” by Time magazine. Since the mid-1980s, he has traveled extensively, campaigning to raise awareness about the abuses of industrialized factory farming and our system of cheap food production.
A pioneer in the field of undercover investigations and farm animal rescue, Gene has visited hundreds of farms, stockyards, and slaughterhouses, documenting the deplorable conditions. His pictures and videos exposing factory farming cruelties have aired nationally and internationally, educating millions about the plight of modern farm animals, and his rescue work inspired an international farm sanctuary movement. Visit