Deforestation: The Missing Climate Link
4m 48s
Deforestation is largely the result of forests, wetlands and other wild lands being destroyed to make room for cattle grazing or to grow commodity crops to feed the 90 BILLION+ cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys and lambs we slaughter every year to eat. Renowned Australian scientist Gerard Wedderburn-Bishop explains how the United Nations' IPCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, has stacked the deck in favor of the meat industry by creating a loophole that allows officials to ignore the enormous amounts of Carbon Dioxide emissions that deforestation produces. If you're wondering why all these UN Cop conventions are not getting anywhere in terms of actually reducing emissions, this is a big reasob why! They are simply NOT COUNTING a huge source of emissions. Why? It's likely because the people writing the rules are meat-eaters and the institutions of power are increasingly beholden to the meat, dairy and pharmaceutical industries, which are inextricably interlinked, as meat and dairy consumption is the reason why so many people need medication for high cholesterol, obesity, erectile dysfunction and a host of other lifestyle ills.