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Meet the Cat Who Escaped a US Gov Torture Lab

New Arrivals - Check Out These Just Released Videos! • 55m

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  • Free Paul Watson NOW

    Danish authorities arrested the 73-year old hero and Whale Wars TV show star in Greenland. UnchainedTV was LIVE at one of the many protests at Danish consulates around the world, where animal lovers and environmentalists demanded his release! Watson, co-founder of Sea Shepherd, is currently in cu...

  • The Secret to Reducing Inflammation

    Dr. Robyn Tiger and Dr. Melissa Sundermann are The Doctor Moms. These two Board Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physicians are on a mission to take really complex health issues and break them down into understandable concepts that you can apply to your everyday lives. Take inflammation. People are a...

  • Call To Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages Wor...

    (Press CC for Captions)
    Relentless activism has led to the historic ban on horse-drawn carriages in Chicago, the third-largest U.S. city. In just 2.5 years, without paid staff or celebrity support, the Carriage Horse Action Alliance (CAA) achieved a landmark victory with a 46-4 City Council vote,...