Luke De Sciscio

Luke De Sciscio

Luke De Sciscio is not afraid to reveal himself. He's no macho but that makes him even more attractive.

Luke De Sciscio
  • My Love Abounds (Official Video)

    Singer/songwriter Luke De-Sciscio is one of a growing number of artists who advocate for compassion for all living beings. His music speaks to the beauty of respecting nature and all the creatures who live in it. We are burning the Amazon to create grazing land for cattle. Why? Instead, we could ...

  • Swim towards Enlightenment

    Singer/songwriter Luke De-Sciscio swims in an ocean of compassion. His transition to veganism - was an instantaneous moment actually. He met an angel (a Swiss girl) on a plane and, in a way that was just so directly to my soul, so without question and with such a quiet, OBVIOUS authority she simp...