Land of Ahimsa

Land of Ahimsa

India is the world’s second most populous country with about 1.4 billion people. Now, there’s an award-winning new film, streaming for free on UnchainedTV, about a growing movement with its roots in the teachings of Gandhi. Game of Thrones star Jerome Flynn is one of the executive producers. And, the star - herself - is related to one of Gandhi’s freedom fighters.

The Land of Ahimsa recently won Best Documentary Feature at the London Film Festival. Drawing rave reviews, the film has also won Best Documentary awards at the Hong Kong International Film Festival, the Boston Independent Film Festival, WRPN International Women's Film Festival and the Cineville Calcutta Global Cinefest.

Land of Ahimsa
  • The Land Of Ahimsa

    With Game of Thrones star Jerome Flynn as one of the executive producers, The Land of Ahimsa follows Dolly Vyas-Ahuja’s on her journey to save her ancestral land and the people of India. She is a granddaughter of a freedom fighter who worked alongside Mahatma Gandhi during India's historic strugg...