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NFL QB Cam Newton's Bod

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February Is Black History Month! • 20m

Up Next in February Is Black History Month!

  • NFL QB Cam Newton's Bod

    This ripped football star is vegan and you definitely want what he's having. This Carolina Panther is known as Super Cam for a reason and he gets his protein from plants.

  • Pasta Dish to Rap About

    Rapper CEO Fields is a brilliant artist and has a flair for fast and fabulous dishes. This pasta dish is SO easy but incredibly tasty. You've got to try it!

  • Day 8, Genesis Butler Cooks

    Day 8 of the PCRM’s 21-Day Vegan Kickstart. Genesis Butler (activist and youngest TEDx speaker) cooks Oatmeal, Crispy Chickpeas, and Sundried Tomatoes Hummus Wraps.