Pizza, Pizza, Pizza, Pizza, Pizza
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Rated V for Vegan travel queen Eunice Reyes tackles the Mount Everest of plant-based challenges: cheese, as in cheese pizza. So many people say they could never give up cheese, thinking it would mean they could never enjoy pizza. Guess what? There are mouthwatering vegan pizzas out there. Eunice found 5 different offerings in Los Angeles alone! From Venice Beach to the LA outskirts, Eunice tracked down and devoured almost half a dozen delicious plant-based pizzas. Zero cholesterol, less fat, equal or better taste. Who can argue with that? Don't take our word for it. Watch! You do not need to consume the breast milk of cows to enjoy great taste. Au contraire!
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From Food to Freedom
You can learn more about this film here.
The same film crew responsible for PlantPure Nation recently completed a new film called, From Food to Freedom. A project of the nonprofit PlantPure Communities, From Food to Freedom tells the story of a live-in immersion program in Greensboro, NC with s...