Big Cat Rescue
5 Seasons
Big Cat Rescue, one of the world’s most influential sanctuaries for exotic cats, is a leading advocate for ending the abuse of captive big cats and saving wild cats from extinction. We are the most hated, feared, and lied about by circuses, backyard breeders, roadside zoos, cub petting pimps, and pseudo-sanctuaries because we are the most effective at ending the abuse of big cats. We wear that as a badge of honor.
While ideally these species should never have been taken from the wild, Big Cat Rescue offers the very best life possible for these animals who had previously spent most of their existence languishing in cages. UnchainedTV is showcasing these amazing videos in the hopes that people around the world rally to save these animals by condemning petting zoos, the wildlife trade, and other pipelines for cruelty. Please support the Baskin family's crucial work by visiting
02:14Episode 1
Cat VS Toilet Paper
Episode 1
01:54Episode 2
Nice Bobcat VS Mean Bobcat
Episode 2
02:48Episode 3
Purr-fect Valentine's Day With Big Cats
Episode 3
Enjoy watching our big cats tear up and love on some Valentine's Day enrichment! From our smallest hybrid cats to our biggest tigers, everyone loves this time of year!
02:35Episode 4
Do BIG Cats Like Pineapples
Episode 4
We have seen how the big cats react to watermelons from past videos, but what about pineapples? They always seem to be a hit with the servals, but what about the other species. Let's take a look!
01:44Episode 5
A Big Cat Is Still A Cat
Episode 5
When you give a cat a cat toy, they will find something else around the house to play with whether it is a piece of paper, a bag, or a bottle cap. You give a tiger an expensive toys, and he resorts to playing in the grasses. A cat, is a cat, is a cat!
05:09Episode 6
Tiger Treats
Episode 6
We strictly monitor the quality of foods we feed our big cats. If we have any leftover food, we like to feed out as treats instead of it going to waste. So turn up your volume, and get up close and purr-sonal with the tigers of Big Cat Rescue!
02:14Episode 7
Do Servals Like Pineapple
Episode 7
03:05Episode 8
Tiger Playtime
Episode 8
03:15Episode 9
Do BIG Cats Like Watermelon
Episode 9
01:45Episode 10
Big Cat Rescuers Are The BEST
Episode 10
04:21Episode 11
Top 10 Cutest Moments With Flint Bobcat
Episode 11
04:43Episode 12
BIG Cat Sounds - Volume UP
Episode 12
03:06Episode 13
Big Cat Easter Grrrrreetings
Episode 13
06:38Episode 14
3 Tigers Reunite - Texas Tiger Tribute
Episode 14
Amanda the tiger recently joined her two brothers, Arthur and Andre, across the Rainbow Bridge. We knew when the trio came to the sanctuary that we were going to have our hands full. They had such BIG personalities and were a joy to care for. Watch some of their greatest moments.
06:35Episode 15
Snacks and Medications For Big Cats
Episode 15
01:39Episode 16
New Toy for the Bobcat Boys
Episode 16
02:04Episode 17
What Do The Big Cats Think Of The New Year
Episode 17
01:49Episode 18
BCR-Favs-21_Jaguar Roar
Episode 18
02:27Episode 20
Tiger Predicts Big Game Winner
Episode 20
03:17Episode 21
Silly Black Leopard
Episode 21
03:47Episode 22
Tigers Make A Run For It
Episode 22
01:49Episode 23
Hungry Bobcat Makes CUTE sounds
Episode 23
03:33Episode 24
Bobcat Celebrates His First Birthday
Episode 24